Cohn has worked with transportation company Ryder to refine its leadership search process. 科恩曾帮助运输公司瑞德(Ryder)改善其甄选领导者的程序。
The search process does take time. 猎头的过程耗时费力。
Finding the right balance amount through a simple text search process is likely to be complicated. 想要通过一个简单的文本搜索过程找到实际余额,有可能会比较复杂。
A term is the basis for lookup and use in the search process. 词汇是在搜索过程中查找和使用的基础。
This is where XML has advantages, as it removes the ambiguity and simplifies the search process. 这就是需要XML展露身手的时候了,因为它能够去除这种不明确性,而且能够简化搜索过程。
When you start the job search process you ask: 'What kind of job do I want? 当你开始找工作的时候你问:我想要什么样的工作?
Keep in mind that the goal of the interview is to convince your interviewer that you are the best person for the job so that you will proceed to the next stage of the job search process: the offer. 记住面试的目标是说服你的面试官你是这个职位的最佳人选,而后你就会进入工作搜寻的第二阶段:录用通知。
In many cases, working with a recruiting service that helps you analyze your specific abilities and helps present your experience effectively can jumpstart your career search process. 在很多种情况下,你可以和一家猎头公司合作,他们可以帮你分析出你的专业技能,并且能帮你将你的职业经历最优化的展示出来。
Question: I am in the post-grad school job search process and am wondering if it is appropriate to apply for more than one position within the same organization? 提问:我正处于研究生毕业找工作的时期,我想知道申请同一个机构的多个职位是否合适。
As noted, the first step in the actual job search process is to discover what is you want to do. 如前所述,在实际找工作的时候第一步都是要想好自己想要做什么样的工作。
By tailoring your message to match your prospect, you show respect and understanding& and communicate that you value them as a partner in the search process. 这样做的话,不仅显示了你的尊重和理解,也传达你在搜索时将他们视为搭档重要信息。
Having a positive attitude is the one thing that will support your entire job search process. 保持积极的态度,这将是对你整个找工作过程都有帮助的一种心态。
The staff will be eager to help you through every step of the job search process. 那里的员工会很热心的指导你求职中的每个步骤。
Thousands of new college grads will enter the workforce this year, but with unemployment at 8.2% and underemployment near 18%, many will put off the taxing job search process and opt out of the weak job market to pursue graduate degrees. 美国今年将有成千上万的高校毕业生加入劳动力大军,但在美国失业率高达8.2%而未充分就业率接近18%的情况下,许多学生将推迟找工作,退出疲软的劳动力市场,继续攻读研究生学历。
All of this used to be a preserve for Japanese college students, who go through an arduous search process, lasting five to eight months, to land the job of their dreams. 过去,所有这一切都是日本大学生所特有的。在找到理想的工作前,他们要经历一个艰难的求职过程,这个过程会持续五到八个月。
The Bottom Line: No matter what your field, when it comes to the job search process, you can give yourself an edge over the competition by taking a page out of the sales professional's handbook. 底线:不管你从事什么职业,在你找工作的时候,你可以通过了解销售员手册而使自己脱颖而出。
Using a formal search process might make it easier for companies to reach beyond traditional candidates, who tend to be overwhelmingly male, and appreciate the different kinds of expertise a woman might bring. 使用正式的招聘流程可能使公司更容易找到一些非传统的候选人(在传统候选人中,男性往往占绝大多数),并会欣赏一名女性可能带来的不同的专业技能。
In the search process, Off-trap strategies are used to jump from local optimal solution and guide the search in promising directions. 在搜索的过程中,采取跳坑策略以跳出局部最优解,始终向目标最接近的方向搜索。
The last part, we train a reference table before search, and update the model parameters with the reference table during the search process. 在第三部分,我们在搜寻之前先训练一参照表(referencetable),并且使用此参照表于搜寻阶段更新模型参数。
Many of those national offices in developing countries faced obstacles in their patent search process when considering grant of patents. 许多发展中国家的国家局在考虑专利的授予时,在专利检索的过程中面临障碍。
Define all controller logic for an application task, such as a search process, in one place, instead of scattering that logic across many places. 在一个地方而不是把逻辑分散在很多地方来定义应用任务的所有控制逻辑,比如一个搜索流程。
Compared with the usual algorithms based on circular template, this algorithm detects pupil as ellipse, reduces the blindness of the search process, and improves the speed and accuracy. 此算法精确定位了变形瞳孔,避免了外边缘搜索的盲目性,提高了虹膜定位的精度与速度。
Branching factor of search process 搜索过程中的分支系数
The color features which are irrespective to the light and can portray physical surface reflect properties that extracted in the image search process named Color Invariant Descriptor. 在图像检索过程中提取与光照无关的、能够刻画物体表面物理反射特性的颜色特征,被称为颜色不变性描述。
Fast template matching techniques presented in this thesis can then be applied to greatly speed up the search process. 论文中所提出之快速样版比对技术就可被利用来加速资料库搜寻的过程。
But in many other markets, transactions happen only after a search process that can be costly and time-consuming. 但在许多其它市场,只有在经历一番耗时又代价高昂的搜寻后,交易才会发生。
Generally, if kids have a pretty good idea of what they want to do, and if they're aggressive about going through the job search process, they're probably going to be okay. 总的来说,如果学生们对于他们想从事的职业有好的主意,并且能在寻找工作的过程中有进取心,那么一切都不是问题。
Secondly, a new evaluation index was established to determine the suitable combination to match different phases of the search process. 其次,依据建立的评价指标自适应地调整组合来提高寻优效率。
This algorithm is a search process of the complete scheduling of the tasks. 该算法实现了一个对任务集完全调度进行搜索的过程。
Using this method, improve the AS algorithm, optimize the search process. 运用该方法改进了基本蚁群算法,优化了AS算法的搜索过程。